Auto AC repair is one segment of the car repair industry that has many comebacks. When I say the word comebacks I am referring to multiple repairs of the same system. This issue affects both professional car mechanics as well as do-it-yourself driveway technicians.
When it comes to my own personal comebacks auto AC repairs is at the top of my list. In most cases this is caused by extremely small leaks that are very difficult to pinpoint.
In other cases it may be due to the fact that you have found problems or leaks and repaired them believing that all issues were addressed. Then the air conditioning stops working six months down the road.
Whether you are an automotive consumer or a do-it-yourself mechanic you may run into problems with your car air conditioning system experiencing repeat failures. Even the most caring and experienced mechanics can have problems in this area.
Problems with auto AC repairOne of the difficult issues with automotive AC is the Freon itself. It is an invisible gas that has no color or odor. Add to this fact that the most modern systems only use about 24 ounces of Freon and even a small leak can cause the AC to blow warm air over short period of time.
When you look at the standard automotive air-conditioning system it covers a lot of ground in the engine compartment and even goes inside the car in the dashboard area. Covering this amount of area requires a lot of connections and fittings.
Every one of these is a possible suspect for small leaks. As a car repair customer you may have to have some patience with your auto repair shop or if you're a DIY driveway mechanic you may have to have some patience with yourself when it comes to auto AC repairs.
Avoiding AC repair comebacksFor me the number one tool in reducing the amount of comebacks I experience when working on automotive AC is the Freon leak detector. This tool provides a signal when it detects refrigerant in the air.View the Original article
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